1. Refund for Withdrawal Due to Non-Delivery of Course

ASIRS will notify the students within three (3) working days upon knowledge of any of the following:

  • It does not commence the Course on the Course Commencement Date;
  • It terminates the Course before the Course Commencement Date;
  • It does not complete the Course by the Course Completion Date;
  • It terminates the Course before the Course Completion Date;
  • It has not ensured that the Student meets the course entry or matriculation requirements as set by the organisation stated in Student Contract Schedule A within any stipulated timeline set by CPE; or
  • The Students Pass application is rejected by Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA).

The students should be informed in writing of alternative study arrangements (if any), and also be entitled to a refund of the entire Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees already paid should the students decide to withdraw, within seven (7) working days of the above notice.

2. Refund for Withdrawal Due to Other Reasons

In the event that the students withdraw due to reasons other than those stated  in Clause 1, refund to students will be computed based on the table below.

Percentage of amount paid for the Course fee and Miscellaneous fees

If Student’s written notice of withdrawal is received:

90% Refund More than 60 days before the Course Commencement Date
75% Refund between 30 to 60 days before the Course Commencement Date
15% Refund Between 30 to 7 days before the Course Commencement Date
0% Refund less than 7 days before the Course Commencement Date
3. Refund During Cooling-Off Period

ASIRS will provide the students with a cooling-off period of seven (7) working days after the date that the Contract has been signed by both parties. The students will be refunded the highest percentage according to the Student Contract signed for the fees already paid if the students submit  Course Withdrawal Request Form”to the ASIRS within the cooling-off period, regardless of whether the students have started the course or not.

4. Refund Procedures
    1. Students who wish to withdraw from their course and request for a refund must complete ASIRS “Course Withdrawal Request Form” and they are required to go through an interview with the Program Manager or Student Service Department, unless deemed not applicable by ASIRS Management.
    2. Student Service Department shall determine if the students qualifies for any refund before computing the refund amount according to ASIRS refund policy.
    3. Student Service Department shall obtain management approval for all refunds.
    4. Student Service Department shall inform the students via email on the result of the request and computed refund amount.
    5. Refund payment made to students shall be via bank telegraphic transfer back to the same paying account and all bank charges incurred shall be borne by the students.
    6. ASIRS shall refund the applicable fees within fourteen (14) working days from the date of receiving the written notice request/“Withdrawal and Refund Request Form” from the students. ASIRS will, within fourteen (14) working days of receiving the Student’s
    7. There will be no refund of course fees and miscellaneous fees for students who have to terminate their studies due to disciplinary action being meted out for failing to abide by the regulations and guidelines of ASIRS and / or the academy partner and / or Singapore Authorities which may include Poor Academic, Poor attendance Cheating and Plagiarism.